At Bethel International Church, we believe that following Jesus transforms lives. Our desire is for people to experience God’s life-changing love and actively share his love with others.
We gather on Sundays at 10 am in Vancouver with a live-stream available online for those who are not able to join us in person. We also have a kids church experience during our gathering. For opportunities of greater connection, growth, and impact, we also meet in Life Groups throughout the week including a Youth Night for teens on Fridays.
Bethel International Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
WORSHIP ORIENTED - Honouring God with all that we are and living generously with all that He has given us.
COMMUNITY SHAPED - Building relationships that reveal God’s love for one another.
JESUS CENTRED - Centering our lives on the person and work of Jesus as revealed in the Bible.
SPIRIT LED - Devoted to prayer and receptive to the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit.
OUTWARD FOCUSSED - Bringing the good news of Jesus to people who haven’t heard or experienced it.