A Church Family in Vancouver for All Ages and Backgrounds

At Bethel International Church, we believe that following Jesus transforms lives. Our desire is for people to experience God’s life-changing love and actively share his love with others. 

We gather on Sundays at 10 am in Vancouver with a live-stream available online for those who are not able to join us in person. We also have a kids church experience during our gathering. For opportunities of greater connection, growth, and impact, we also meet in Life Groups throughout the week including a Youth Night for teens on Fridays. 

Bethel International Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada


Our Core Values

What We Aspire to Be in Everything We Do

WORSHIP ORIENTED - Honouring God with all that we are and living generously with all that He has given us.

COMMUNITY SHAPED - Building relationships that reveal God’s love for one another.

JESUS CENTRED - Centering our lives on the person and work of Jesus as revealed in the Bible.

SPIRIT LED - Devoted to prayer and receptive to the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit.

OUTWARD FOCUSSED - Bringing the good news of Jesus to people who haven’t heard or experienced it.